Issues of improving relations in the field of public procurement discussed

The legal framework of ensuring the efficiency and transparency of public procurement: state and prospects of development – that was the topic of a round table held in the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis. The event was held by the Committee on the issues of Industry, Construction and Trade in cooperation with the Committee on Budget and Economic Reforms of the lower house of parliament. It was stressed that public procurement is an important factor influencing the growth of the economy, as it makes up 11 percent of the gross domestic product of Uzbekistan.

A certain legal framework, regulating relations in the field of public procurement has been formed in our country. In particular, the Budget Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan reflects the basic rules of this system’s functioning, and there are more than 30 legal acts concerning this sphere. Moreover, the “Program of complex measures to ensure the rapid development of business, comprehensive protection of private property and the qualitative improvement of the business climate in the Republic of Uzbekistan” envisages the need for the development and adoption of the Law “On public procurements”.

The roundtable participants stressed that the improvement of legislation in this area is necessary to provide a transparent and open mechanism for the implementation of public procurement on a competitive basis, measures to prevent corruption, the access of small and private business entities in public procurement, expansion of the range of subjects for which application of public procurement system with the inclusion of the number of state enterprises, as well as commercial organizations with state share of 50 percent or more is mandatory.

With the event concluding, measures to improve relations in the field of public procurement were adopted.

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