Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan agree on point of intersection of their state borders

rilateral talks on the point of intersection of the borders of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan started back in 2007, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and State National Security Committee Chairman Kamchybek Tashiev said at the joint meeting of six Parliament Committees on March 19 during consideration of ratification of the Kyrgyz-Tajik border delimitation treaty.

The governmental delegations met 6 times up to now, he said.

“The countries could not reach consensus on the point of intersection of the borders. After signing of the Kyrgyz-Tajik border treaty in March 2025, the trilateral meeting was held in Dushanbe, where 3 countries came to agreement and defined the point of intersection of 3 borders,” Tashiev said.

Tashiev showed on the map the given point. “The point of intersection of 3 borders is highlighted blue. The point highlighted green was suggested by Uzbekistan earlier and the red point was suggested by Tajikistan. They offered those places as the point of intersection. If we had agreed, all those borders would have remained outside Kyrgyzstan. Around 100 ha were retained by Kyrgyzstan, this is also our victory. People do not live there, but this is our territory and our road runs here,” Tashiev said.

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