Malaysia calls for concerted effort by OIC to tackle Rohingya crisis in Myanmar Read More :

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has called for a concerted effort from Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states to bring its collective concerns to the Myanmar government to cease all discriminatory actions against the Rohingya. In his opening speech at the Extraordinary Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC on the situation of the Muslim minority Rohingya, Foreign Ministry Secretary General Datuk Ramlan Ibrahim urged the Myanmar government to end discrimination and take immediate action to improve the situation. “We hold the view that this situation can no longer be considered purely as a Myanmar internal affair. “We hope that the government of Myanmar will continue its fullest cooperation in allowing unimpeded access for the much needed humanitarian assistance by the OIC and the international community,” he said. “Without active participation by all “Malaysia also believes that with our active participcation today, we could find a just and sustainable solution to this issue,” he added. Ramlan said Malaysia believes that if the crisis is allowed to continue, it would potentially impact the security and the stability of the region.

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