livestock in Mongolia increases by 3.6 million in 2024

77.5% of total female livestock, 23.2 million, will give birth in Mongolia, including 81,000 female camels, 1.3 million mares, 1.6 million cows, 11.3 million female sheep, and 8.7 million female goats.

MONGOLIA: Brutally cold winter kills livestock and leaves 80,000 children  in need of aid | Save the Children International

15.7% of 23.2 million female livestock have given birth as of April 5. 3.6 million livestock were born.

Calving continues with 29.1% in the western region, 0.7% in the eastern region, 11.7% in the central region, and 19.3% in the mountainous region. Nationwide, 3.6 million newborn livestock were received, with growth rate reaching 93.4%.

Mongolia has lost almost 7 million livestock due to dzud.

9% Mongolia livestock lost to winter 'dzuds' - Times of India

Source :


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