Appeals for Paying Special Attention

Uzbekistan’s Cabinet of Ministers has approved a resolution on the results of the Prime Minister virtual reception’s first month of operation aimed at the elimination of shortcomings in working out the appeals with complaints lodged by the citizens of the country and corporate entities.
The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On the accountability of heads of Ministries and department, economic associations, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokims of regions, cities, towns and districts for unconditional execution of the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the appeals of physical and legal entities” provides a detailed analysis of citizens’ appeals to the bodies of government administration and the Prime Minister’s virtual reception in the context of regions, ministries and departments.
At the same time, the great number of appeals to the Prime Minister’s virtual reception witnesses that many issues remain unresolved or not resolved to the end following the initial appeal, according to experts. Hence the Cabinet of Ministers’ approval of the resolution, in compliance with which, actions are being undertaken aimed at the solution of problems remaining with the government authorities and organizations on working with the citizens’ appeals.
The Prosecutor General’s Office, in particular, is recommended to undertake efficient measures in regards to officials, whose actions provide ground for repeated appeals with complaints.
The heads of government bodies are instructed to carry out personal reception of citizens and entrepreneurs on matters of their interest, to radically revise the interaction with the public and business entities, to raise the level of culture in working with them, as well as to solve all problems and complaints on the ground.
To ensure this, the government authorities will have to radically improve the operation of their sites and mechanism of receiving appeals via Internet and the currently operating ‘help-lines’.
To secure simpler and more convenient use of government services by the citizens, the government authorities are instructed to elaborate proposals on the basis of appeals’ statistics, to transfer relevant government services to an interactive form and present them to the Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications.
The Council of Ministers of Karakalpakstan and hokimiyats of all levels are instructed jointly with the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan to organize in the centers of cities, towns and districts ‘popular receptions’ with the involvement of qualified specialists within the next one month period.
The heads of the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Healthcare, Labor, Higher and Secondary Special Education, Justice, as well as the Central Bank and commercial banks, the Pension Fund, “Uztransgas”, “Uzbekenergo” and “Uzavtosanoat” are entrusted with the task to conduct within one week their Board meetings on the issues of operative and qualitative review of complaints lodged by citizens to the virtual reception. Besides, with the objective of reducing the number of complaints, they should study the reasons behind those appeals with complaints and elaborate necessary amendments to the normative-legislative acts.
And the Council of Ministers of Karakalpakstan and hokimiyats of the regions and the capital city are instructed to set up within one week special working groups jointly with the “Uztransgas” and “Uzbekenergo” to urgently solve problems of the population prior to the beginning of the winter heating period.
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