European parliament acquainted with modern development of Uzbekistan

Brussels hosted a meeting of the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with the Countries of Central Asia. MEPs, representatives of the political groups and the relevant committees in the structure attended the event.

During the meeting, a diplomatic mission of Uzbekistan to the European Union conducted detailed presentation on the modern development of the country, progress in all areas, achieved during the years of independence. It was emphasized that our country has chosen its own unique way of updating – successfully realizing “Uzbek model”, developed by the first President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. Successive reforms, implemented on its basis, are aimed at building of a strong state and free civil society, based on market relations and the creation of decent living conditions for the people.

Representatives of the European Parliament attached their attention to the realization radical reforms in Uzbekistan in the field of electoral legislation, which became a strong support for conducting the elections in an atmosphere of equality, transparency, in full compliance with the country’s laws and fundamental norms and principles of international law in recent years. Over the past period, there has been created all the necessary organizational, legal, material and technical conditions for a free and active participation of citizens and political parties in solving the most important problems of socio-economic development and social construction. In this regard, it was stressed that all this is a clear reflection of the practical results of democratic transformations and reforms in order to protect the rights, freedoms and interests, building a democratic state and strong civil society.

The European side was informed about the consistent and extensive work on preparation for the most important political event under the leadership of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Uzbekistan – the election of the President of Uzbekistan scheduled for December 4 of this year. Participants familiarized with the information on the candidates nominated by political parties to this high post, created the conditions for an open and fair voting, in particular, inviting more than 300 international observers.

The presentation aroused great interest among the representatives of the European Parliament. They stressed the importance of the reforms in Uzbekistan in the sphere of improving the electoral process, strengthening the constitutional status and independence of the Central Election Commission, as well as expansion of its powers.

As part of the exchange of views, attendees stressed that the reforms, implemented in our country for the democratization of the electoral process, meet generally accepted democratic values that guarantee equal conditions for participation in the elections for all citizens and political parties.

Presiding at the event, the Belgian MEP Marc Tarabella noted in particular that:

– The European Parliament highly assesses political and socio-economic reforms in Uzbekistan, aimed at improving the welfare of the population and the implementation of the rule of law. The taken measures in the country on strengthening the role of Parliament by giving it the ability to carry out a parliamentary inquiry, is solid proof of the commitment of the Republic to the building of a democratic state. Since independence, your country has taken a number of effective measures to further strengthen the institutions of civil society. In particular, their role is significantly increased in the provision of legal assistance, raising the level of political consciousness of citizens, work with youth and women in employment assistance.

In Uzbekistan, the fulfillment of international obligations under the ILO became one of the priorities of the human rights policy of the state. Implement programs, aimed at creating strong human rights protection mechanisms, as well as the improvement of national legislation and practice in line with international conventions for the prevention of the worst forms of child labor and forced labor.

Another MP from Belgium Helga Stevens praised measures on social support of the population, an increase in real incomes of citizens, and enhancing the quality of education, health and sports which were taken in Uzbekistan.

– It is noteworthy the adoption of the Law “On social services for the elderly, disabled and other socially vulnerable categories of the population”. I believe that this document is not only reinforces the guarantee of the interests of the needy categories of the population, but also aims at improving the quality of their material and moral support, as well as enhancing the role of public and non-governmental organizations in this field.

Uzbekistan national team’s success at the XV Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro is impressive and is a clear result of the policy, carried out in the country to protect the rights and freedoms of people with disabilities, creating favorable conditions for their full life and active participation in society.

In this connection, I consider it important to continue the efforts on the raising awareness of disability issues and to attract the attention of potential employers to their employment abilities and opportunities.

As a result of the exchange of views, participants concurred that the upcoming elections of the President of Uzbekistan, undoubtedly, will be an important step towards the implementation of democratic reforms, and further positive changes will boost its credibility on the world stage.

Jahon Information Agency, Brussels

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