“Innovative insurance center” discusses reinsurance issues

The “Innovative insurance center” was opened last year, in cooperation between JSC “Insurance company Kafolat” and the Tashkent Financial Institute.
The center was established to promote the insurance culture among the younger generation, to raise the quality of insurance services. Every month the specialists of the insurance market of the country conduct various conferences, seminars, trainings and round tables. The another seminar was devoted to “the role and significance of reinsurance in the insurance market”.
Chief Manager of the Department for reinsurance and international relations of the “Insurance company Kafolat” Jasur Juraboev shared information about the advantages and possibilities of reinsurance, and answered student’s questions.
The main purpose of the “Innovative insurance center” is to create favorable conditions for the improvement and deepening of knowledge of youth in the field of insurance services, as well as to contribute to the preparation of prospective professionals for the insurance market.
Read also other Insurance News of Uzbekistan on www.UzReport.uz
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