Iran opts for closer ties with Russia

Rouhani calls for closer relations with Russia

Putin hailed economic and security ties between Russia and Iran, noting their joint action in Syria. (AFP)

Speaking on Friday during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of a summit of a regional security grouping in Kyrgyzstan that includes Russia, China, and India among others, Rouhani said “the situation in the region requires stronger interaction between our nations.”

The Iranian leader added that “external pressure and foreign sanctions” have made such cooperation “even more acute.”

Putin hailed economic and security ties between Russia and Iran, noting their joint action in Syria.

Regional tensions escalated over attacks Thursday on two tankers near the strategic Strait of Hormuz, which the US blamed on Iran. Tehran has rejected the US accusations.

Last Update: Friday, 14 June 2019 KSA 20:06 – GMT 17:06
Source :

Al Arabiya

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