Major transformation and reforms are expected in Uzbek education and science spheres

World famous archaeologist and historian, academic – presiding member of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Edvard Rtveladze believes that today it is evident that new historical period, new era of development in all spheres of life has come, be it politics, economics, social and humanitarian spheres, and, of course, science. After all, there is the closest and indissoluble connection between science and life: the more science serves for life, the more life enriches science.
At the meeting December 30th 2016 the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with leading representatives of the nation’s scientific circles with participation of members of government, heads of ministries and agencies, public and civil organizations, members of the Academy of Sciences, chiefs of the country’s leading higher education institutions and announced the planes for raising science advancement to a new level.
Giving his assessment to adopted Decree of the President, Mr. Rtveladze noted that further improve and promote the activities of the academicians of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, which was adopted under the curtain of 2016.
Edvard Rtveladze believes that in line with the decree, measures on further advancement and strengthening scientific potential, enhancing the role of science in the social and economic development of Uzbekistan. He believes that today there is a clear need for further advancement of scientific cooperation with leading international institutions, universities, research centers and academies of sciences. He consider fundamentally true the task of creation of the best conditions in our country for our compatriots, who have received education and a degree in the leading foreign educational and scientific institutions, all-round stimulation of their scientific work.
As it was noted by him, during the year of independence significant scientific and research work was done. As he said the history of the state of Uzbekistan”, the first volume of “History of Uzbek statehood”, “Khorezm in the history of the statehood of Uzbekistan.” For the first time thanks to the independence a fundamental work “History of Uzbekistan. The era of Amir Temur and Temurids” has been created, which gives a comprehensive description of political, social and cultural life, role of Amir Temur in the world history. In XIV century he ruled huge Empire, stretching from Mediterranean Sea and Egypt in the South and South West, to China in the East, Moscow in the North and Arabian Sea in the South.
Today Uzbekistan has great undiscovered archeological sides. Among them excavation research in the Obi-Rahmat grotto, Upper Paleolithic parks, ancient agricultural settlement Jar-Kutan, fortress Kampirtepa built by Alexander the Great, hellenistic fortress Uzundar, Buddhist monuments Karatepa and Fayaztepa, portrait gallery Akshikhan-kala and many others long ago have been included in the “golden fund” of world of science.
Not by chance is deep interest and direct participation of scientists from America, Australia, Poland, Czech Republic, France, Japan, Russia, among whom he particularly singled out a recently deceased Kyudzo Kato – a sincere friend of Uzbekistan, world famous archeologist form Japan.
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