Narimon Umarov meets electorate in Ferghana region

On November 3 the candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the Social Democratic Party “Adolat” Narimon Umarov met electorate in Ferghana region.
Deputy of the Ferghana Regional Kengash of people’s deputies Sh.Karimov opened the meeting. Authorized representative of the candidate M.Kholdorov familiarized participants with the biography of the candidate.
Candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Narimon Umarov spoke to the audience outlining his election program.
Noting the contribution of the region’s population in the large-scale creative work carried out in our country, the candidate said that the construction in the cities and regions of modern buildings, sports facilities, industrial, educational and medical institutions, new roads not only transforms the appearance of the area, but also serves to enhance the well-being of the population.
The candidate’s pre-election program the put forward the idea of building the welfare state in compliance with the principle of “social equality – is equal rights and duties” of social-oriented state which guarantes the political, legal and social equality of all citizens, the right to work taking into account the abilities and qualifications of every citizen, creates a wide and equal conditions for decent wages and achieve the standard of living, depending on the volume and quality of work. Particular attention is paid to the issues of further strengthening the role of civil society institutions in the life of state and society, the development of parliamentarism, the widespread introduction of the principles of transparency, openness and accountability in the activities of state power and control bodies.
The program states the need for strict observance of the rights of workers in the relationship between employer and employee, employers’ liability increase for non-discharge of labor relations, violation of the requirements for wages, social insurance, pension security.
At the meeting, which was held in the format of a video conference, the head of preschool educational institution №44 D.Buribekova, Lecturer of Fergana Polytechnic Institute Sh.Abbosova, director of Academic Lyceum №2 under Fergana State University F.Abdullazov, an obstetrician-gynecologist of the regional perinatal center R.Sulaymonova and others expressed their views on the election program of the candidate. The speakers called on the electorate to take an active part in the upcoming presidential elections in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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