Tajik border service releases its version of exchange of warning shots on border with Kyrgyzstan

The Border Troops of the National Security Committee of Tajikistan rejected the report of Kyrgyzstan’s State Border Service about unlawful warning shots fired on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border.

Kyrgyz border service said on November 28 that the Tajik border guards fired three warning shots on the disputed area on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border without any reason and in response, the Kyrgyz soldiers fired a warning shot in the air once. “No one was injured,” Kyrgyz side said.

Tajik Border Troops said that day a quarrel occurred between the Kyrgyz soldiers who fired 16 shots and flew the scene on a car heading to the Kyrgyz territory. “In response to the Kyrgyz border guards’ shots, the Tajik side fired three warning shots in the air,” the Tajik side said.

“The groundless warning shots were fired by the Tajik border guards at about 8:25 am on the disputed border area on the outskirts of Min-Oruk village, Batken region,” said the Kyrgyz side.

The Kyrgyz and Tajik border services then immediately organized a meeting. The sides agreed to conduct investigations of the incident and organize trainings on the state border lines for the border guards.

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