UMS telecommunication partner at “Media, Advertising, and Modern Technologies” Forum

Universal Mobile Systems, UMS, has set up 4G broadband internet connection for “Media, Advertising, and Modern Technologies” Forum.
The Forum, running through November 3-4, 2016, will allow local and international experts to discuss current issues on media industry. UMS, an official telecommunication partner, has supplied 4G LTE internet for the event.
The forum, which is taking place in International Hotel Tashkent, will allow the organisers and participants to demonstrate online services and to contact remote systems and users.
Israil’s LiveU technology and UMS’s 4G internet helped UzReport TV make livestream broadcasting without using satellite channels. The technology is an efficient substitute for mobile TV stations and is used by CNN, Sky For and hundreds of other broadcasters worldwide.
As part of its technical partnership, UMS has also set up a Wi-Fi network servicing 300 people.
“This is the first such experience for UMS in the capacity of an official telecommunication partner. Considering the international character, topical nature and public importance of the Forum, we found it important to show the achievements in modern technologies. UMS’s 4G LTE meets modern requirements both technologically and in its possibilities. We are sure that the Forum participants will appreciate the possibilities of 4G connection,” said Sayyoddjon Matkarimov, commercial director at UMS.
The Forum offers various forms of interaction, such as breakout sessions, panel discussions, business negotiations and partner meetings. UMS is taking part in a specialised exhibition to showcase its products and services and to consult the guests on connection, roaming, mobile Internet, and business services.
The forum has been organised by SAIPRO Information and Rating Agency, officially supported by the National Association of Electronic Mass Media of Uzbekistan.
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