Uzbekistanis will be 50 millions by 2050: 33.4 millions as of May 2019

Population of Uzbekistan is likely to grow to 50 million by 2050 UN

 Population of Uzbekistan is likely to grow to 50 million by 2050, according to the UN  World Population Prospects report released on Monday.

Image result for uzbekistan population images

The report predicts that the world’s population will grow by nearly 2 billion people over the next 26 years. Although the world’s population is getting older and growing at a slower pace, it is still expected to increase, as a few countries will experience a surge in population.

In a best case scenario, about 50 million people will live in Uzbekistan in 2050, and by 2100, the population of Uzbekistan might reach 65 million.


The population of Uzbekistan exceeded $ 33.37 million people


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