Zahid: Be loyal as Najib was chosen by ‘Allah’ to be Umno president

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 29 — Umno members should pledge unwavering loyalty to Datuk Seri Najib Razak as “Allah” willed him to be their leader, the party’s vice-president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said tonight.
“We have to remember we are in a time where Allah has put Datuk Seri Najib as our president. It is fate that Allah wanted it that way.
“I urge all members not just pledge your loyalty through your mouths. The pledge should also be in actions as that is what is wanted by our religion,” he told Umno wing delegates at the opening of their general assemblies at the Putra World Trade Centre here.
Zahid then pledged his own loyalty towards Najib as the party president.
“To make Umno strong forever, loyalty should be practised by all members. No matter what criticism or rumours are thrown towards the party president, it cannot falter, my loyalty to him,” he added.
The deputy prime minister also said that Umno cybertroopers should close ranks and defend against online attacks propagated by the Opposition.
“The 21 century has changed the landscape of the Opposition as there are groups which are based in the digital world. We can’t see them clearly but we can feel the presence of these Opposition groups in cyberspace.
“The cybertrooper battalion should be united to form a strategy against the enemies, not fight among themselves.
“We have to be creative and work to bring us closer to the people especially the target groups among the Gen-Y and Gen-Z groups. Taking selfies alone like what we do now is not enough,” he said.
Zahid also said Umno’s enemy now were not only those outside the party, but within its ranks too.
“Identifying the enemies of Umno last time was not that difficult, because our enemies are known by the logos of their party.
“Now, we are not just facing traditional political parties which are enemies but also from groups that are against us while hiding their true colours that we are not able to see all this while.
“The enemy within our fold exist without us realising, through the Information Technology platform and gadgets,” the Bagan Datoh MP added.
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