Germany Wants India To Play A Bigger Role In Afghanistan

Ambassador Markus Potzel is in New Delhi to discuss the outcome of the intra-Afghan dialogue.


The German Special Envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan Markus Potzel said the international community would like to see a larger regional role for India in the ongoing conflict and its resolution.

“We would like to see India play a bigger role in Afghanistan,” said Potzel, as quoted by The Economic Times.

Indian news agencies reported that Potzel will be meeting with senior officials in the MEA on Friday.

Germany co-hosted an intra-Afghan dialogue that happened in Doha on July 7-8.

“We believe that all initiatives and processes must include all sections of the Afghan society, including the legitimately elected government. Any process should respect the constitutional legacy and political mandate and should not lead to any ungoverned spaces where terrorist and their proxies can relocate,” Potzel said.

The talks in Doha ended with a resolution agreed to by more than 60 delegates from Kabul and 17 members of the Taliban.

The resolution included a commitment to reduce violence and bring civilian casualties “to zero”.

India has refused to be a part of talks with the Taliban directly, sending only retired officials in a “non-official” capacity for one round of talks in Moscow last year.

Last week, talks between the US, Russia, China appeared to cut India out of the talks on Afghanistan’s future.

However, officials indicate that the next round of talks with regional powers will be held soon, which would invite India, Central Asian neighbors like Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, as well as Iran.

“I am not here to give advice, but I would wish that the Indian government come out in the open and establish their position on the peace process,” said Potzel. “Germany also hopes to see India join the next round of regional talks on Afghanistan.”

Source :

Tolo News

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