Almazar branch of People’s Bank provides women entrepreneurs 2.24 billion soums of credits

Today, commercial banks offer their customers a wide range of services, including credit services provided to both legal entities and individuals. Due to allocated credit funds, new businesses have been created, the range of domestic products has been expanded, production has been updated. Thus, joint-stock commercial People’s Bank also gives credits to customers.

Providing credit services to the public for 9 months of this year Almazar branch of People’s Bank has allocated more than 100 consumer credits, more than 20 educational and 3 mortgage loans. In addition, the branch provides active assistance to small business and private entrepreneurship entities through financing their business projects. Thus, the total volume of microcredits allocated by a branch amounted to 1 billion 72 million 700 thousand soums, women entrepreneurs were directed 2 billion 242 million 900 thousand soums, the production of foodstuffs – 1 billion 341 million soums, while non-food products – 1 billion 134 million soums. In addition, the bank branch gave graduates of professional colleges 260 million soums to organize their own business, to develop services sector – 1 billion 985 million soums, and to support family business – 50 million soums.

The number of clients of Almazar branch of People’s Bank is constantly growing, which is a proof of the quality of services provided. For example, the bank issued credit funds for the organization of catering.

– Almazar branch of the bank gave us credit facilities in the amount of 600 million soums for the opening of catering establishments. Due to this, 20 people have been provided with work, later we plan to create more jobs. I’d like to note that mostly the products of domestic manufacturers were used while equipping the facility, – noted Sarvar Jiyanov, the bank’s client.

Almazar branch of People’s Bank pays great attention to improving the quality and effectiveness of services and further support of small business and private entrepreneurship entities.

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