Railway spending in August plunged 27.1 per cent following a decade-long building spree which has given China two-thirds of the world’s high-speed rail tracks Railway fixed-asset investment was 449.6 billion yuan (US$63 billion) in …
Sebastian Shukla and Oren Lieberman Smederevo, Serbia (CNN)The sprawling steel mill is visible for miles around Smederevo, disgorging plumes of thick black smoke into the Serbian sky. More than 100 years old, the mill is …
– A U.S. Navy destroyer sailed near islands claimed by China in the South China Sea on Friday, the U.S. military said, angering Beijing, which said the ship had entered Chinese territorial waters without …
– Canada has sailed a warship through the sensitive Taiwan Strait, the Canadian government said, three months after a similar operation and amid strained ties between Beijing and Ottawa. Such passages typically upset China, …
Rizki Fachriansyah The Jakarta Post Jakarta / Fri, September 13, 2019 / 01:04 pm Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita (JP/srs) 0 SHARES The government looks to hike trade with South Korea and the …
North Korea is willing to restart talks with the United States in late September over its nuclear programme, a senior North Korean diplomat said on Monday, following a protracted deadlock since a failed summit …
Taiwan’s president urged the Solomon Islands not to switch diplomatic allegiance to China Monday, as the Pacific nation deliberates whether to recognise the far more economically powerful Beijing instead. The Solomons are among …
The organizers of Japan’s 2020 Summer Olympics have refused to ban a controversial flag that South Koreans say stirs memories of the violent, brutal life endured under Japanese rule during the early to …
Trump-Kim summit: Will two leaders meet for third round of talks? US president and North Korean leader have already met twice this year with promise of more to come. But will it happen? by …
The Security Risks of a Trade War With China Why the U.S. Should Be Wary of Economic Decoupling ByAli Wyne August 6, 2018 The Arleigh Burke class guided-missile destroyer USS Fitzgerald is shown on patrol …