Demoratic and fair conditions for polls

A survey conducted by the Center for Public Opinion Survey “Ijtimoiy Fikr” has revealed the spirit of the electorate and the degree of their awareness of the election season, as well as their attitude towards media in covering the elections.
The survey helped identify high level of the citizens’ support of democratic transformations and reforms conducted during the years of independence in the country aimed at securing the Uzbekistani’s rights to take part in the political processes. Thus, the absolute majority of respondents (95%) consider presidential elections to be the most important event in the socio-political life of the country, feel the need to participate in the voting and demonstrate high level of awareness about the upcoming presidential ballot.
The survey demonstrates that the forthcoming presidential elections are of great importance and is a life-changing event in the life of every citizen. Participation in the elections gives people the opportunity to realize their civic duty and their basic constitutional rights. The Uzbekistanis living in all the regions of the country, bоth urban and rural residents, representatives of all age and social groups, men and women feel confident that their vote is important for the future of the country.
High level of the citizens’ electoral activity contributes to realization of the Program of activities on further improvement of the voters’ legal culture, which envisages conducting a broad-scale explanatory works among the electorate on the essence and meaning of national legislation in this area.
More than 89% of respondents in all regions of the country, including those who are going to cast their votes for the first time in their lives are aware about the norms of legislation, which states that political parties registered with the Ministry of Justice not later than six months prior to beginning of election campaign, have the right to nomination of their presidential candidates. They are well-informed about nomination of candidates by the highest bodies of political parties, which may nominate only one candidate or a non-partisan to presidency of Uzbekistan from among the members of their respective parties. Moreover, 85.2% of respondents know that president of Uzbekistan is elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a period of five years.
95% of respondents with the right to vote will definitely take part in the upcoming elections of a head of the state on the 4th of December, according to their statements. What does it mean for residents of Uzbekistan to take part in the presidential elections? 41.3% of respondents said that they would vote because it was their civic duty. 31.8% consider that participation in the elections is a manifestation of their responsibility for the future of the Republic. According to 21.3% of respondents voting at the elections is an opportunity to express their opinion and cast their vote for a worthy candidate.
Responding to the question as to what their expectations were with the elections, 41.2% of citizens expressed their confidence in the preservation of peace and security in the country, in the growth in the level and quality of life, and in the development of democracy and civil society.
When asked about qualities, which a presidential candidate should possess, so that the voters cast their ballot for them, the survey participants named high level of intellect, firmness of character, honesty and integrity. Among priority competencies respondents highlighted strategic government-level thinking and experience in political leadership, high level of professionalism and knowledge of modern management skills, comprehensive education, and adherence to democratic principles, national and universal values.
Ensuring openness and political pluralism in covering the election campaign by mass media is an essential condition for the electoral activity of the population and citizens’ willingness and desire to participate in managing the affairs of the society and the state.
The citizens of Uzbekistan named the National Broadcasting Company of Uzbekistan the main source of information about the election campaign. The absolute majority of respondents, irrespective of their region and place of residence stated that they received information about the forthcoming elections from the programs and broadcasts of the national television, government radio stations and from periodical publications. The vast majority of respondents – 99.4% – follow the events associated with the election campaign.
The results of the study demonstrated high level of public confidence in the electoral system, their confidence that the elections will be held on a truly democratic basis and that they will be honest and fair.
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