Draft law “On combating corruption” sent to Senate

The Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan held its regular session.

Deputies considered a number of bills aimed at further deepening reforms carried out in various spheres of the society, protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens.

The issues included in the agenda of the session of the lower house of Parliament, were previously discussed at the meetings of factions of political parties and Deputy group from Ecological movement of Uzbekistan, committees of the Legislative chamber with participation of representatives of ministries and departments, civil society institutions.

The deputies began their deliberations with the second reading of the draft law “On combating corruption”.

Stressing the importance and timeliness of the bill, the deputies said it is primarily aimed at strengthening the confidence of citizens, including entrepreneurs before the state authorities and their officials, raising the investment attractiveness of the country, as well as comprehensive legislative regulation of legal relations in the field of combating corruption, increasing the efficiency of anti-corruption measures undertaken by public authorities, organizations and institutions of civil society, the complete eradication of this phenomenon in all spheres of public life, creating a climate of intolerance to all manifestations in the society through raising legal awareness and legal culture of citizens.

— In preparation of this bill for the second reading, the Committee on legislation and judicial-legal issues organized its public discussion, —a member of the Committee on legislation and judicial-legal issues S. Mamajanov said. — With the participation of representatives of the judiciary, prosecutors and other spheres of law enforcement practice, legal scholars, and members of the public, we have scrutinized each provision of the draft that have served as its improvement. This bill will raise the responsibility and relationship of state bodies and their officials to fulfill the tasks assigned to them with a view to ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, including entrepreneurs, and will also serve as a tool for prevention of corruption offences.

The deputies adopted a resolution on the adoption of this act and sending it for consideration to the Senate of the Oliy Majlis.

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