Heartwarming moment stranded dog is rescued 209km out to sea — but how did she get there?

This is the heartwarming moment a stranded dog was rescued after she was found swimming in the Gulf of Thailand — an extraordinary 209 kilometres from the shore.
Workers on board an oil rig noticed the pooch’s head poking above the ripples as she paddled through the ocean on Friday.
The pooch was seen paddling in waters 209 kilometres from shore in the Gulf of Thailand.Source:Viral Press
It’s understood the Aspin — named Boonrod (survivor) by her rescuers — fell from a fishing trawler, according to the Bangkok Post.
Offshore drillers called out to the exhausted mutt and she swam towards them, taking refuge among the rusty metal bars of the rig. The workers then lowered a rope down to Boonrod and pulled her to safety.
She was rescued by oil rig workers who spotted her head in the water.Source:Viral Press
She stayed on the drilling platform for two nights while a special cage was welded and staff gave her food and water.
Boonrod was finally lifted by crane onto another oil vessel passing through the area on Sunday, which delivered her to vets in Songkhla, southern Thailand, today.
Oil rig worker Khon Vitisak, who saved the animal, said he would like to adopt her if no owner comes forward.
Boonrod was well looked after by staff on the rig.Source:Viral Press
He said: “We found her trying to swim towards our rig, which is about 220km from the shore. Thankfully the sea was quite still because the wind was calm.
“We just saw her small head, but if the ripples were bigger, I think we probably wouldn’t have noticed her at all.
The rig is in the middle of the ocean, far away from land.Source:Viral Press
“After she made it onto the bars below the rig she didn’t cry or bark at all. We looked for a way to help her and in the end, decided to use the rope to tie around her body to lift her up.
“When we first took her on board, she was depressed and tired from being in the water for a long time.
The red marker shows the spot where the dog was found swimming alone.Source:Supplied
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