International fruit and vegetable fair kicks off at UzExpoCentre

The fair, organized in line with the resolution of the First President of our country Islam Karimov on measures to organize and conduct annual International fruit and vegetable fair by Uzbekoziqovqatholding, Uzvinosanoat-holding, Uzbekoziqovqatzahira holding companies, Uzagroexport foreign trade company and Xalqaro meva-savzavot yarmarkasi direksiyasi LLC, is attended by domestic companies, specialized in growing, processing and export of fruit and vegetable products.
The forum is also attended by representatives of processing companies, trade organizations, chambers of commerce, relevant ministries and agencies, logistical companies from over 30 countries such as the US, the UK, Italy, France, the UAE, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, India, Russia, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan and others.
The resolution of the First President of our country “On organizational measures on reforming horticulture and viniculture spheres” on 11 January 2006 opened new opportunities to introduce market relations in agriculture and further development of farmers’ movement. As a result, intensive technologies are widely used in practice, a high-quality and abundant harvest is grown.
Before independence, the needs of our country in grain, potatoes, meat, milk and other basic food products were met by imports. As a result of the paid attention to this sphere, currently the domestic demand of population is fully met by products, grown in our country.
As international experts acknowledge, our variety of fruits and vegetables, grapes and melons are in great demand in the world market thanks to their unique taste, and most importantly – useful nutritional properties. The fruits and vegetables, grown in the fertile Uzbek land, are highly competitive. Uzbekistan is among the top ten countries in terms of exports of apricots, plums, grapes, nuts and many other agricultural products.
The International fruit and vegetable fair, held in Tashkent on 12-15 July 2015, clearly demonstrate this. According to Uzbekoziqovqatholding holding company, 270 contracts for the export of fruit and vegetables for over $ 2 billion have been signed following the fair. Vegetables account for 27 percent of exported products, the grapes – 25 per cent, fruits – 20 per cent, dried and processed products- 17.6 percent, beans – 8.4 per cent, melons- 2 percent.
The international forum presented modern trends in food industry and agriculture, fresh and dried fruits, citrus, vegetables, herbs, melons, beans and nuts, spices, beverages, packaging and packaging technologies, transport and logistics.
As part of the fair a “round table” discussions with fruit and vegetable exporters and their partners, the fair participants visited intensive gardens, enterprises, processing fruits and vegetables and refrigerated facilities.
Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan U.Rozukulov spoke at the opening of the International fruit and vegetable fair.
Here we present the photos taken by our photo-correspond A.Ilyasov from the event.
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