Participants of OIC Foreign Ministers’ Council visit Samarkand

Participants of the 43rd session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, that took place in Tashkent, visited Samarkand on October 19.
The guests visited the final resting place of First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov and paid a tribute of respect to his memory.
Great achievements of the First President of our country in building and comprehensive development of the independent state have been underlined. Immense courage, attention to the reconstruction and upgrading of the sacred places of worship in the country, taking care of the revival and careful preservation of the spiritual heritage of our nation, demonstrated by Islam Karimov, have been particularly underlined.
The guests visited the Imam Bukhari memorial complex, the mausoleum of Amir Temur, Registan architectural ensemble, the Ulugbek museum and observatory.
– I want to emphasize that Uzbekistan has carried out thorough preparations for the 43rd session of Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the forum was held at a high level, – said Iraqi Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Omar Al-Berzinji. – Visits to sacred places of worship, educational institutions in Tashkent and Samarkand cities, organized within the forum, have left a great impression on us. We are immensely happy for the opportunity to visit the city of Samarkand, well-known around the world as the decoration on face of the earth, and especially the Imam Bukhari complex. This visit will undoubtedly be an unforgettable experience for us. We were delighted with the unique beauty and grandeur of the eternal resting place of the great muhaddith Imam Bukhari.
During a visit to the Samarkand automotive college, the participants underlined under the leadership of President Islam Karimov great works on creating the national model of education, fitting international standards, have been carried out. Implementation of the National Program for Personnel Training, the Law “On Education” and other legislative acts have laid the foundation of the national education system. While children’s education remains an urgent problem in many parts of the world, today a guaranteed 12-year free compulsory education, which incorporates the general secondary and secondary specialized vocational education, is established in Uzbekistan. As a result, the youth of our country, along with access to knowledge, master modern professions and find their rightful place in society. The guests noted the constant attention of the state to the issue of employing graduates of these educational institutions as a positive experience, worthy of study.
Students of the academic high-school under the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service informed the guests about the created opportunities and conditions here. The guests have been impressed by the intellectual potential, commitment, a thirst for knowledge of the young people, fluent in several foreign languages. Over the past five years, about a dozen boys and girls of the high-school won at the international scientific Olympiads.
– It is well-known that the Uzbek land has brought world-famous scientists and thinkers, – said the representative of the Gambia in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Omar Sallah. – Their outstanding service are still studied with admiration. Today, speaking with the youth, learning science in the modern educational institutions, having become acquainted with their opinions and views, we have seen that a new generation, worthy of their great ancestors, is rising. They are capable of great achievements.
- Previous Address by the Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan H.E. Mr. Shavkat Mirziyoev at the Opening Ceremony of the 43rd Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
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