President Putin met ex-President Almazbek Atambayev in the Kremlin, amid internal troubles in Kyrgyzstan

President Vladimir Putin said Kyrgyzstan needs political stability, people should consolidate around the incumbent President, RIA Novosti reports.

President Putin met ex-President Almazbek Atambayev in the Kremlin, who arrived in Moscow.

“My position is well-known. I informed Atambayev about this position as well. I think Kyrgyzstan, our ally, a close state for us, has experienced several serious political shocks, to be exact, at least two. In my view, it is necessary to stop on that in the interest of people of Kyrgyzstan,” Putin told reporters.

“The country needs political stability. All people should unite around the incumbent President and help him in development of the state,” Putin stated.

Russia intends to realize all cooperation plans with Kyrgyzstan, he said.

“We have many cooperation plans with Kyrgyzstan. We intend to realize all these plans with the authorities of Kyrgyzstan,” he underscored.

Stripped of immunity by the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan, ex-President Almazbek Atambayev today has departed for Moscow from the Russian air base in Kant. He announced about a plan to visit Moscow on Monday without specifying the aim of the visit saying it is a confidential information. Atambayev is accompanied by his cronies on this trip

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