Sanofi and Uzpharmsanoat launch local production of medicaments

Sanofi Uzbekistan in cooperation with Uzpharmsanoat at support of Ministry of Healthcare and Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investment and Trade of Uzbekistan started to realize joint projects on localization of production of medicaments in Uzbekistan.

Within the first phase of the project, it is planned to launch production of flu vaccine. In future, French company plans to localize other medicaments against chronic cardiovascular and endocrine systems, as well as the gastrointestinal tract.

The project is initiated within the memorandum of understanding, signed at the six session of intergovernmental commission on trade-economic cooperation between Uzbekistan and France. The memorandum includes issues of expanding trade-economic, investment, financial and technical cooperation.

Chairperson of Uzpharmsanoat Mirzanozim Dusmuratov said Uzpharmsanoat and Sanofi launched local production of medicaments at BIO VAKTSINALAR. The production premises passed quality audit of Sanofi. The enterprise launched production of Vaksigrip, which is a vaccine against flu.

Gulnara Holmatova, head of Sanofi in Uzbekistan, said that within the memorandum, Sanofi is ready to share its expertise and experience in sphere of vaccination and medical treatment, as well as provide access to the best European medicaments on affordable prices. She said that organization of localized production in Uzbekistan to satisfy local demand, Sanofi demonstrated importance of the country and positions itself as privileged partner for a long time.

Normunds Zemvaldis, director of division of Sanofi Pasteur for Central Asia and Belarus, said that the company plans to expand portfolio of vaccines, produced in Uzbekistan, not only flu vaccines.

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