The US Army will hold combat training in the Philippines against China’s push

The U.S. Army is introducing a joint battlefield training in the Philippines to improve combat readiness including by ensuring adequate supply of ammunition and other needs in difficult conditions in tropical jungles and on scattered islands, a U.S. general said.

Marines Begin Training in the Philippines as South China Sea Tensions  Seethe |

The Biden administration has been strengthening an arc of military alliances in the Indo-Pacific to better counter China, including in any future confrontation over Taiwan. The U.S. moves dovetail with Philippine efforts to shore up its territorial defenses amid disputes with China in the South China Sea and ability to respond to frequent natural disasters.

China warns U.S. and Philippines stage combat drills | CTV News

About 2,000 U.S. and Philippine army forces will join the dayslong combat drills backed by helicopters and artillery fire against armed adversaries in a jungle setting in the northern Philippines in June, Maj. Gen. Marcus Evans, commanding general of the U.S. Army’s 25th Infantry Division, said Sunday.

China's Modernizing Military | Council on Foreign Relations

The combat training will be held in the Philippines for the first time at Manila’s request. It’s not clear whether the longtime treaty allies would decide to turn the maneuvers into an annual exercise, Evans said.

US, Philippines launch largest-ever joint military drills across disputed  waters

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