Turkish magazine “Avrasia Gundemi” about tourism in Uzbekistan

The leading social and political Turkish magazine Gundem Avrasya has published an article “Uzbekistan is a country of delightful architectural buildings and rich cultural heritage” where there was given a high assessment for the tourism potential of our country and the advancement of this sector in the years of independence.
It is noted that Uzbekistan pays special attention to the modernization of the tourism industry, the development and improvement of the regulatory framework for the sustainable development of the industry, the organization of service for foreign guests, in accordance with international standards.
“In order to create a modern and competitive tourist complex in the country a strong legal and regulatory framework has been formed which is based on the Law “On tourism”. The Action Programme targeted measures on improvement of the tourism infrastructure, attraction of investments, diversification of tourism products, training and retraining of specialists in the sphere. Creation of the National Company “Uzbektourism” by the Decree of President Islam Karimov in 1992 was an important step in the formation of national tourism model”, – experts say in the article.
As the authors say, an increase in the number of travelers arriving in Uzbekistan is the result of taken measures in this direction. It is noted that the republic attracts more than 2 million tourists from around the world annually.
“There are 1176 tourist organizations, including 621 tour operators, 555 hotels for guests. An extensive network of hotels for more than 25 thousand people meets modern international standards. The country has 11 airports with the status of international with regular flights to over 40 cities in Europe, Asia and America.
Visiting Uzbekistan tourists have the opportunity to get to the attractions of the Republic by rail too. So, in addition to the conventional trains there are modern high-speed trains between Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara and Karshi daily. Moreover in June 2016, the world witnessed another breakthrough in the development of tourism transport industry of Uzbekistan – the opening ceremony of the electrified railway line “Angren-Pap” which connected the picturesque Fergana valley with the rest of the country”, – noted in the article.
Turkish experts, while highly assessing the introduction of new kinds of travel in our country, separately stop to the development of ecological tourism. The presence of reserves, national parks, nurseries, nature reserves, natural monuments, biosphere reserve in the country, according to the authors, makes eco-tourism very promising direction.
The current dynamics of the growth of the tourism industry of Uzbekistan confirms the need for the modernization of the training system, taking into account the existing realities and prospects. Speaking about the achievements of our country in this area, the authors emphasize the material:
“Today there are 5 higher educational institutions training specialists in the tourism sector in the country. They operate in Samarkand, Bukhara, Urgench and Tashkent.
In addition, a branch of the Singapore Institute of Management Development also functions in Tashkent. Every year more than 500 students throughout Uzbekistan who have completed higher education in the specialty “Tourism”, obtain the bachelor’s degree and more than 40 – masters. 12 specialized professional colleges produce over 3,5 thousand personnel for the travel industry annually.”
As experts say, regularly scheduled major events in the country are of a significant role in the rapid development of the tourism sector of Uzbekistan, formation and maintenance of the country’s image in the global market. Tashkent International Tourism Fair “Tourism on the Silk Road” is said one of the most important annual events. “Representatives of Uzbekistan also regularly participate in the ongoing international trade fairs and exhibitions overseas for the presentation of national tourism potential.”
It is further noted that in Uzbekistan, namely in Khiva there is the highest and oldest minaret in Central Asia. Special attention is paid to cognitive and educational aspect of the country’s historical attractions. In particular, it is stressed the magnificence of the observatory built in the period of Ulughbek, and a deep sense of the inscription over the door of madrasah Ulugbek which reads as follows: “To acquire knowledge is the duty of every Muslim man and woman.”
In summary, the experts note that intensive development of the tourism industry, including respect for the historical and cultural heritage, development of infrastructure in full conformity with international standards and the consistent strengthening of international relations have made Uzbekistan as one of the most visited countries in the world.
Jahon Information Agency
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